BHT 1650FC/1900FC/2100FC Mirror Machines Dual Diecutter Working Station (Lead Edge Feeder)

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The Advantage of Mirror Machines Dual Diecutter Working Station

The Mirror Machines Dual Diecutter Working Station offers a range of advantages, making it a highly efficient and cost-effective solution for modern manufacturing environments. Here are the key benefits:

Synchronized Operation

Two flat die cutting machines operate simultaneously and ensure that feeding and collecting are in the same direction. This synchronized operation enhances overall efficiency and reduces the complexity of the production process.

Shared Components

Both die cutting machines share the same foot pedals, knife version, stripping, waste clearance version, and all the plates and frames. Even the switchboard functionality is shared, making the system highly integrated and streamlined. This sharing of components reduces the need for duplicate equipment and lowers overall operational costs.

Reduced Manpower Costs

Each shift requires only one operator for both die cutting machines, significantly reducing manpower costs. The face-to-face layout of the two die cutting machines ensures that the operator can monitor the entire process visually. This setup allows the operator to quickly detect and troubleshoot any anomalies, thereby improving the yield and efficiency of the operation.

Flexible Installation and Interchangeability

The same frame switchboard and plate frame can be used for the installation and matching of the dual-unit combined die cutting machine. The plate frames are interchangeable and can be installed freely, providing flexibility and ease of maintenance.

Central Positioning System

The central positioning system is standardized, allowing all molds to be shared between the machines. This compatibility simplifies the setup process and enhances the versatility of the production line.

Space and Investment Efficiency

The dual-unit die cutting machine, with its positive and negative (left and right) hand units, saves floor space and facilitates better enterprise space planning. This efficient use of space leads to higher investment efficiency, making the Mirror Machines Dual Diecutter Working Station a smart choice for businesses looking to optimize their manufacturing footprint.


The Mirror Machines Dual Diecutter Working Station stands out for its synchronized operation, shared components, reduced manpower costs, flexible installation, and space efficiency. These advantages make it an ideal solution for companies seeking to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and maximize the use of their manufacturing space. Investing in this advanced die cutting technology can lead to significant improvements in operational efficiency and overall output quality.


Εξοικονόμηση περιοχής

2 κανονικά μηχανήματα Χώρος ορόφουΜηχανές καθρέφτη Χώρος ορόφουΣυνολικός χώρος αποθήκευσης
Με Chase Loader197,3μ²148,5μ²48,8μ²
Χωρίς Chase Loade172,2μ²142,8μ²27,4μ²

Επειδή το ίδιο πεντάλ ποδιού είναι κοινόχρηστο, το ενδιάμεσο κανάλι (τουλάχιστον 2×10 μέτρα) όταν τα δύο μηχανήματα τοποθετηθούν χωριστά, μπορεί να εξοικονομήσει 2×10=20m2 επιφάνειας κατάληψης φυτών.



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