BHT 2S1060TRC DUOPRESS Automatický vysokorychlostní stroj na ražení fólií a vysekávání s topným systémem

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Product Description


BHT 2S1060TRC DUOPRESS Automatic High Speed Foil Stamping and Die Cutting Machine with Heating System: Advanced Precision for High-Demand Industries

The BHT 2S1060TRC DUOPRESS Automatic High Speed Foil Stamping and Die Cutting Machine with Heating System is an innovative piece of equipment designed to meet the exacting needs of modern manufacturing. By combining high-speed foil stamping and precision die cutting with an integrated heating system, this machine offers unparalleled efficiency, accuracy, and reliability.

Klíčové vlastnosti a výhody

High-Speed Foil Stamping System

The BHT 2S1060TRC is equipped with a high-speed foil stamping system that delivers intricate and high-quality foil designs on a variety of materials. This feature enhances the aesthetic appeal of products, making it perfect for luxury packaging, high-end labels, and decorative items.

Precision Die Cutting

With its advanced die-cutting capabilities, the BHT 2S1060TRC ensures clean and precise cuts every time. This precision is crucial for applications requiring detailed and flawless finishes, such as in the printing, packaging, and decorative industries.

Integrated Heating System

The integrated heating system provides consistent and precise temperature control, which is essential for high-quality foil stamping. This feature enhances the machine’s overall reliability and performance, ensuring uniform results across all production runs.

Vysokorychlostní provoz

The BHT 2S1060TRC is designed for high-speed operation, significantly increasing production throughput. This capability is vital for large-scale production environments, ensuring timely completion of substantial orders without compromising on quality.

Robust Construction

Constructed from high-quality materials, the BHT 2S1060TRC is built for durability and stability. Its heavy-duty construction ensures reliable performance under continuous operation, making it suitable for high-volume production tasks.

Uživatelsky přívětivé rozhraní

The machine features an intuitive user interface that allows operators to easily set up and adjust parameters, monitor the production process, and troubleshoot issues. This user-friendly design enhances productivity and reduces the learning curve for new operators.

Safety Features

Safety is a top priority with the BHT 2S1060TRC. The machine is equipped with multiple safety mechanisms, including emergency stop buttons, safety guards, and sensors that detect and respond to potential hazards, ensuring safe operation for all users.

Versatile Applications

The BHT 2S1060TRC is versatile and can handle a wide range of materials, including paper, cardboard, plastic sheets, and more. Its adaptability makes it an excellent choice for various industries, including:

  • Tisk: Delivering high-quality stamping and cutting for printed materials.
  • Obal: Providing precise die-cutting and foil stamping for packaging materials.
  • Labels and Tags: Creating detailed and attractive designs for labels and tags.
  • Decorative Applications: Enhancing decorative items with intricate cuts and foil accents.

Zvýšená produktivita

The integration of high-speed operation, foil stamping, die cutting, and heating functions in a single machine enhances overall productivity. This combination reduces downtime, minimizes manual intervention, and ensures consistent quality across all production runs.

Technologický pokrok

The BHT 2S1060TRC DUOPRESS stands out with its advanced technological features, including servo precision control systems and automated functions. These innovations streamline the production process, reduce downtime, and enhance efficiency, making this machine a valuable asset for modern manufacturing operations.


The BHT 2S1060TRC DUOPRESS Automatic High Speed Foil Stamping and Die Cutting Machine with Heating System offers a superior combination of precision, speed, and advanced automation. Its robust construction, user-friendly interface, and versatile applications make it an excellent investment for businesses looking to enhance their finishing processes. Whether for printing, packaging, or decorative applications, the BHT 2S1060TRC delivers exceptional performance and reliability, meeting the high demands of today’s industrial environments.


Částečný úvod


Feeder based on advanced technical platform feeding precisely and consistently of wide range stock from 90g/m2 thin paper to 1000g/m2 cardboard as well as micro flute corrugated board.

Detektor dvou listů

Ultrazvukový detektor dvou listů bez dotyku papíru, proto bez poškrábání, spolehlivé a rychlé nastavení.

Uchopovací lišta

Gripper bars made of cutting edge latest technology running extremely smoothly, thanks to the unique design of large motion angle eccentric worm gear drive system.

Hot stamping section

Max stamping pressure up to 600 tons, which makes it able to achieve better 3D and exquisite effect on large format printing materials such as wine boxes and cigarette boxes.

Nastavení talíře

5mm tvrzená řezná deska nebo 4+1mm sendvičová deska nahoře 15mm přesná syntetická nosná deska s +/-0,9mm mikronastavením pro rychlé nastavení a snadnou přípravu.

Zařízení pro rychlé zamykání formy

Přijměte systém středové linie a zařízení pro rychlé zamykání, abyste ušetřili čas na přípravu.

Pokročilé zamykání nástrojů

Pokročilý systém rychlého nastavení nástrojů zajišťuje rychlou změnu úlohy a tím i vysokou produktivitu na odizolovacích i vysekávacích stanicích.

Německá vakuová pumpa

Německo Bezolejové dmychadlo a vývěva Becker.

Systém automatického mazání

Přijměte koncentrovaný systém automatického mazání, abyste zajistili, že poháněné části budou lépe fungovat.

Machine Parameters




1. hot stamping+deep embossing
2. hot stamping+die cutting+stripping
3. deep embossing+die cutting+stripping

Skladový sortiment

Papír: od 80 do 2000 g/m2, 0,1~2 mm, vlnitá lepenka: do 4 mm

Maximální velikost listu

1060 × 760 mm

Minimální velikost listu

Rozměr 400×350 mm

Vnitřní velikost Chase

1080 × 770 mm

Maximální velikost řezu

1060 × 745 mm

Maximum Stamping Size


Minimální okraj chapadla

9-17 mm

Minimální šířka dvojitých řezů

5 mm

Přesnost vysekávání

≤±0,075 mm

Stamping Accuracy

≤±0,075 mm

Max. řezná síla

600ton + 600ton

Max.pracovní rychlost


Maximální výška stohu v normálním režimu podavače

1800 mm

Maximální výška stohu v režimu podavače bez zastavení

1520 mm

Maximální výška stohu při dodání

1580 mm Foil Diameter

Φ250mm Longitudinal, Φ200mm Transversal

Electric-heated System

20 Heating zones, 40~180℃ Adjustable

Foil Width


Press1 Foil Advance Shafts

3 Longitudinal + 2 Transversal (Optional)

Press2 Foil Advance Shafts

Electric-heated system

Machine Dimensions (L×W×H)


Machine Dimensions (Including Die Preloader) (L×W×H)


Čistá hmotnost stroje


Full Load Wattage


Požadavky na vzduch

Pressure: 0.6~0.7Mpa, Flow: ≥1m3/min


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