Vysokotlaká elektronická pistole KEQI® PJ-4000

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Product Description

KEQI® High Pressure Electronic Gun PJ-4000: Precision and Innovation for Adhesive Applications

In the realm of adhesive applications, the KEQI® High Pressure Electronic Gun PJ-4000 stands out as a pioneering solution, offering precision and innovation for various industries. This advanced electronic gun represents a turning point in adhesive technology, providing a high-pressure solution that meets the demands of diverse industries.

Přesnost dávkování lepidla: The PJ-4000 is meticulously designed to provide precision in adhesive dispensing. With its high-pressure capability, each application is executed with meticulous accuracy, ensuring optimal bonding with a high level of precision. This feature is particularly crucial in industries where the quality of adhesive application directly impacts the performance and reliability of the final product.

Superior Performance with High Pressure: Distinguishing itself from traditional adhesive guns, the PJ-4000 operates at high pressure, delivering superior performance in adhesive application. This high-pressure functionality allows for a more controlled and efficient dispensing process, resulting in stronger bonds and reduced material wastage.

Všestrannost napříč odvětvími: The PJ-4000 showcases remarkable versatility, catering to a broad spectrum of industries. Whether applied in automotive manufacturing, aerospace applications, or general assembly processes, this electronic gun adapts seamlessly to different production environments, providing a reliable solution for precise and efficient adhesive application.

Seamless Operation with Smart Technology: Equipped with smart technology, the KEQI® PJ-4000 ensures a seamless operation for users. Electronic controls enable precise adjustment of pressure and adhesive flow rates, empowering operators to tailor the application process to specific requirements. This intelligent design enhances user experience and contributes to the overall efficiency of adhesive application.

Efektivita ve velkoobjemové výrobě: Tailored for high-volume production settings, the PJ-4000 optimizes efficiency in adhesive processes. The high-pressure system, coupled with automated features, reduces downtime and increases productivity, making it an ideal choice for industries with demanding production requirements.

Trvanlivost a životnost: Recognizing the demands of continuous manufacturing, the KEQI® PJ-4000 is constructed with durability in mind. Robust materials and advanced engineering ensure the longevity of the electronic gun, providing a reliable and consistent adhesive application solution over the long term.

Ohledy na životní prostředí: Adhering to modern environmental considerations, the PJ-4000 incorporates features to minimize environmental impact. Efficient adhesive application reduces material waste, contributing to sustainability goals and aligning with eco-friendly practices in manufacturing.

Dopad na trh a budoucí trendy: Vliv vysokotlaké elektronické pistole KEQI® PJ-4000 přesahuje jednotlivé výrobní jednotky a ovlivňuje širší trendy na trhu. Vzhledem k tomu, že průmyslová odvětví hledají přesnější, účinnější a udržitelnější řešení aplikace lepidel, tato elektronická pistole se staví do popředí utváření budoucnosti technologie lepidel.

In conclusion, the KEQI® High Pressure Electronic Gun PJ-4000 symbolizes progress in adhesive application. With its precision, high-pressure capabilities, and smart technology integration, it not only meets the current demands of industries but also sets a benchmark for the future of advanced and efficient adhesive application.


Machine Parameters

jméno výrobku

Vysokotlaká elektronická pistole PJ-4000


1. Maximální spínací frekvence je 500 cyklů/sec.
2. Zvyklý na jakékoli situace.
3.Uzavřená konstrukce bez opotřebení umožňuje pistoli přesně snížit tok lepidla.
4. Běžné typy trysek umožňují snadnou aplikaci od malých kartonových krabic po velké vlnité kartony.
5.One nozzle opened multiple holes, It needs of large- width bonding.
6.Customized to 1\2\3\4 holes etc.


Application product: corrugated boxes, folding, book etc.
Installed on folding machine\folder gluer machine\flexo printing folding machine etc.




Lepení lineru

Tvar Lepidla


Maximální tlak

32 bar


1 s/500


4,5 kg


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